March 11, 2019 alibaz

With the implementation of the organisation’s Quality and Environment Management System, the requirement to separate and properly manage all the waste generated by the organisation, both hazardous and non-hazardous, has been established. To ensure the proper management of such hazardous waste Alibaz has contracted the services of the authorised waste manager Adalmo and registered its monitoring in the Alibaz Environmental Monitoring Plan.

In compliance with points 7.4.3 on External Communication and 9.1.1 referring to the assessment of environmental performance, we inform you that:

During the year 2018, the following have been generated and managed:

  • CDW: 11% more than in 2017.
  • Hazardous waste on site: 148% more than in 2017.
  • Hazardous waste in offices: 55% more than in 2017.

In terms of soil reuse and CDW in the works themselves, 16% less has been reused than in 2017.

For consumption at headquarters, 36.9% less water has been used than the average used over the last five years. The consumption of electricity has decreased by 24% compared to the last 5 years. Paper consumption has been reduced by 12% compared to the last 5 years. The consumption of diesel has increased by 29.3%.

No Environmental Emergency occurred during 2018.